Framhlið - Torsten - Junior - White - Forpöntun
Kemur um miðjan mars
Framhlið á Torsten rúm
Junior long side torsten is a Junior long side in a modern design. The long side, which is painted in environmentally friendly paint, fits the Torsten cot. TRANSFORM THE COT TO A JUNIOR BEDInvest in sustainability when furnishing a child’s room. Convert the cot by simply removing one long side and replace it with the junior side by using the same screws and screw holes. With the junior side on, the child can easily step in and out of their bed by themselves. The Torsten junior side can only be used when the mattress base is in the lowest position. Easy conversion from cot to junior bedSimple assembly Sleek and practical
Size Length: 110 cm | Height: 65 - 23 - 12 cm | Depth: 2 cm
Material Birch / MDF
Colour code white NCS S 0300-N / NCS S 0500-N GreyNCS S 6500-N / NCS S 7000-N
- Care Wipe dry with a damp cloth. Avoid strong detergents or abrasives
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