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Ný staðsetning - Ármúli 38

Zoom Barnamyndavél - Gato2
Zoom Barnamyndavél - Gato2
Zoom Barnamyndavél - Gato2
Zoom Barnamyndavél - Gato2
Zoom Barnamyndavél - Gato2

Barnamyndavél - Gato2

23.900 kr
Subscription Vista

Tækið samanstendur af myndavél og færanlegum móttakara. Myndavélin er frábær og þú getur fylgst með barninu allan tímann. Hitamælir er i tækinu.

Þú bæði getur heyrt í barninu og einnig talað á móti.

Tækið nemur 50m innandyra og 260m utandyra. Allt fyrir þægindi og öryggi barnsins.

Móttakarinn er með innbyggðri endurhlaðanlegri rafhlöðu þannig þú getur notað í nokkra klukkustundir eftir hleðslu.

Myndavélin þarf rafmagnstengingu.

The device is equipped with a two-way communication function, which allows you not only to hear your baby crying, but also to whisper to him.


The night mode provides peaceful sleep for the child and the parents. You can easily keep an eye on your child, even in the complete darkness. The baby monitor Neno Gato2 automatically turns on infrared LEDs when the light goes out, so the footage is always readable. The IR illumination is invisible to the human eye, so it would not wake your baby up from sleep.


Neno Gato2’s receiver has a built-in rechargeable battery. You can take it with you without fear of missing its power. You can charge it using the attached tool power supply kit.


The baby monitor also allows you to play lullabies for your baby. The device has eight built-in melodies that will help your baby fall asleep peacefully.


Parents are not able to watch over their babies 24 hours per day. That’s why baby monitors exist. Neno Gato2 also allows you for temperature monitoring – you can easily check if your baby is not too hot or too cold.

Barnamyndavél - Gato2

23.900 kr


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